Wednesday, April 19, 2023

April 2023


April Showers Bring May Flowers 

 Did you know that April is derived from the Latin word, aperit, which means to open? Flowers symbolize a tremendous reminder that even as tough as things may seem, there is always growth within each lesson and experience.

Community Events

In April, we celebrated students who are role models for the Character Pillar of Respect, came together to take responsibility in beautifying our campus for Earth Day, engaged in various emergency drills and welcomed Spring with our annual UPK Teddy Bear Parade. 

Mrs. Schwenebraten and Mrs. Nicoll's UPK classes took their special teddy bears on parade throughout the school as a reflection of bears coming out of hibernation for Spring. Check out the adorable video


What a beautiful day we had for our WSS Earth Day! Everyone across our school pitched in to clean up the grounds around our campus and community. We are so grateful for the responsibility that our students and teachers displayed! 


There's a new officer in town! To learn more about Officer Mattingly, read his story here. Here is an important safety reminder from him, too. 
It is springtime, and more children will be riding their bikes to school. In NY children under the age of 14 are required to wear helmets while riding their bikes.

"WIN the Summer" Learning Opportunities

By Invitation Only, WSS 1st-7th Summer Academy 

This offers a 16 day boost in the areas of reading, writing, math and mindset. You will receive an invitation letter by mail if your child is to take part in this. This is designed for students entering grades 1-7. 
  • Academy Camp runs 7/17/23-8/10/23 (with bussing) at WSS
  • Camp is 9-12pm and includes fun, engaging experiences in math, reading, writing, movement, relationship building and self-inquiry projects 
  • The STEAM Camp offerings have been extended to accommodate students who are in the Summer Academy and also want to participate in one of the STEAM Camps as well.


By Registration Only (Coming in May!), WSS STEAM Camps 

We have 6 offerings this year over a 6 week period (7/10-8/17). Mrs. Tran & Mrs. VanDerBeck have worked on some high interest activities for each camp and students can choose any of these week long camps. STEAM camps help students learn to apply their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in new exciting ways.  

  • Each camp is offered Monday-Thursday for students going into grades 2, 3 & 4 8:30-10am and students going into grades 5, 6 & 7 10:30-12:30pm

  • Parents must transport for these camps (drop off at the main entrance to WSS)

  • Location is the WSS Media Center

WSS School-Wide Earth Day Clean Up 4/21/23

As a school community, we came together to clean up trash, weed and plant flowers. We collectively showed respect and responsibility for our school, Earth and one another.


WSS Special Area Updates 

PE: 6th grade has been busy learning about the 11 steps to success with archery. Grades 4-6 have been working up a sweat with HIIT lessons (High Intensity Interval Training)


General Music with Mr. DeLuca:  

Thank you to all the students for your efforts and enthusiasm in general music classes each week.  For the month of May, students in grades K-3 will be learning how to play the piano keyboards, singing with proper technique, and taking part in group music and movement songs.  Students in Grades 4-6 will be learning how to play the guitar as well as  group singing. Keep up the good work in music!  

Other Music Department updates: 
  1. The Mini Marching Knights will be performing our National Anthem at the Rochester Red Wings home game vs. the Syracuse Mets on 5/31/2023 @ 11:05am 
  2. Congratulations to our two "Simon Says" Marching Commands Challenge winners, Killian Lapp and Regan Anderson, both of whom were awarded McDonald's gift cards!
  3. KUDOS to 8 Genesee-Wyoming Music Educators Association Elementary All-County Band students were selected to perform on April 14th and 15th
  4. Family, friends and the community are invited and encouraged to attend the following upcoming events: 
                -The annual Spring Concert is on Tuesday, May 16th @ 7pm in the Memorial Auditorium 
                -The annual Band Exchange Concert w/the Churchville-Chili 5th grade band and Wheatland-Chili 6/7 band is on Thursday, June 1st, 2023 on the WSS grounds near the playground!  

Please join us for the Wolcott Street School Art Show on Tuesday May 16th from 5:30- 7:00pm. There will be a free raffle drawing for art materials, scratch art bookmarks, a community mural, a scavenger hunt as well as lots of beautiful artwork! We hope to see everyone there to support our young artists.

Character Education/SEL 

Our April school-wide assembly was a celebration of students who are role models for consistently demonstrating the character pillar of respect. Below are the students from each of our classrooms who were recognized for their commitment to being role models of Respect. 
We also kicked off the month of Responsibility. We compared responsibility to a chain. We all have responsibility as a team, which represents a link in a chain. If we don't take part in our part of the responsibility chain, the chain will break. 

Grades 4-6 Character Education Assembly Video 
Grades PK-3 Character Education Assembly Video

Character Pillar for May & June: Citizenship

Coming Up May 8 - May 19th is the WSS Million Penny Drive! More details will be coming soon from your classroom teachers. 

Updates Principal's Corner

  • School Playground Hours are 9am-3pm
    • Families and community members should not be on the playground during school hours. Thank you!
  • Code of Conduct Reminders: No Hats or Cell Phone Usage in the WSS Building. To review our Code of Conduct, here is a link
  • Kim Norman, Author, will be with us on May 8th!
  • Million Penny Drive begins May 8th! 
  • Wear School Colors (red & black) on May 12th for the Character Education Assemblies
  • Parent Input Forms are due by April 28, 2023 (click here for another copy)